How to create a todo list in a Slack DM
1. Head over to the DM and type /Todoadd
2. Type in the Todo list name and press enter
3. Next, you will see the Todo list name and an option to set assignees
4. Select assignees for your task
Assignees mean the persons that are responsible for carrying out the task. These can be any users of your Slack workspace. Assignees will be able to view and edit their assigned tasks in the Ricotta app home tab.
5. Click on Create
6. Next, you can start adding Todo items to your Todo list
To add an item with a due date, you can use /due after the Todo item. For example: "Create a new landing page /due 9-May-2022"
7. To add a more detailed Todo item, click on More options
8. Click on Add item and description
9. Next, you can give a name to the Todo item
10. You can also add details to the todo
11. Next, you can select the Due Date of the task
Due date means the date on which the task is due. This is optional.
12. You can also set a reminder for the task
13. Simply set a time and date as a reminder
You will receive a smart notification via the app 'Messages' tab right in Slack.
14. Click on Submit
15. Click on Done
16. Your todo list can be edit and, deleted or marked as complete
17. Click on Ricotta Todo List
18. You will be able to see the Todo list on your app home tab
Only the assignees and the person with whom the Todo list is shared can see the Todo list in their Home tab
19. You can update the task list on the Home tab
20. Next, head back to the DM
21. The todo list will not be synced automatically
Shared Todos (Todos that are shared via DM) are not synced automatically. Click on the Sync Todos button to update the Todo list to the latest version.
22. To sync the Todo list, click on Sync Todo List
23. The Todo list will be updated to the latest version
Last updated