How to play Snowman

1. Go to your preferred channel and enter @Ricotta Games & Trivia hello to access the main menu

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click on ☃️ Snowman

Step 2 screenshot

3. Select the contest end time

Step 3 screenshot

4. Click on Create Snowman Contest

Step 4 screenshot

5. The Snowman contest will be posted on the channel instantly

Note: You can also schedule a photo quiz by clicking on the Manage Schedules button

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on 🎈 Start playing

Step 6 screenshot

7. The Hangman game will appear and it will tell you the category. Simply keep entering the letter to guess the word. The final score depends on the number of tries you took to guess the word

Step 7 screenshot

8. Click on Enter to guess the letter

Step 8 screenshot

9. You will be able to see which letters have been guessed correctly and which are incorrect

10. You can keep guessing the word by entering letters. You will have ten tries.

11. A final score out of ten will be shown once you complete the game

12. You can head back to the channel to see the real-time leaderboard

Last updated