Ricotta Games & Trivia on Slack

How to get started with Ricotta Games & Trivia

Please scroll down towards the end of the page for FAQs

General Queries

How to install Ricotta Games & Trivia from the websiteHow to install Ricotta Trivia from the Slack App DirectoryHow to open Ricotta Games & Trivia on SlackWhat to do after you installHow to access the Ricotta DashboardSubscribing to Ricotta Games & TriviaHow to access admin control settings

Managing contests & notifications

How to switch off automated gamesWeekly Trivia Settings

Trivia Games

How to start a Trivia ContestHow to start a Photo Quiz contestHow to auto-schedule TriviaHow to post the Ricotta Leaderboard in a channelCancel a scheduled Trivia or Photo Quiz contestHow can I Practice Trivia questions by myselfCreating a Custom Trivia Quiz

2-Player Games

How to play Tic-Tac-ToeHow to play Rock Paper scissorsHow to play Connect4How to play Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock

Icebreaker & Watercooler Games

How to Play Would You RatherHow to Play IcebreakersHow to play Hot TakesHow to play This or ThatHow to play 2 Truths and a LieHow to play co-worker icebreakersHow to play Icebreaker QuestionHow to play Most Likely ToHow to play Never Have I EverHow to play Party, Prank, Picture

Social Word Games

Setting Up Word of The DayHow to play HangmanHow to play Word BuildingHow to play Word ChainHow to play Story BuildingHow to Set Up Daily AnagramsHow to set up Weekly ConnectionsHow to Play Fact or Fiction

Connect With Coworkers

How to play Secret Santa - Kudos (Holiday edition)How to play Unpopular OpinionsHow to play Virtual Catchup


  1. A trivia quiz that I did not schedule got posted on our Slack channel. Why is that?

The trivia quiz that would have got posted automatically is the Weekly Trivia contest that is posted every Wednesday automatically. To switch it off, please email us at cheese@ricotta.team.

2. How do I set a default/ dedicated channel for Ricotta?

You can simply go to the Ricotta app Home page and click on 'Edit Settings' and set a default channel for your workspace.

Both Weekly trivia quiz and Word of The Day will be posted on the default channel. You can also create a new public channel like #fun or #teambuilding and set that as the default channel. All the scheduled, as well as automated games, will be posted on that channel.

3. How do I schedule games for different time zones?

You can go to 'Edit Settings' in the app Home tab and change your default time zone. You can then schedule games by clicking on the 'Schedule Games' button.

Even if the default time zone is changed, the scheduled game will still be in the time zone first selected. For example, if you set the time zone as IST and schedule a game and the default time zone is later changed to PST, your scheduled game will still be in IST. Schedules will remain unaffected by the default time zone.

4. How do I switch Word of The Day to colorblind-friendly mode?

When playing the game, one can click on the button that says 'Switch to Color Friendly mode'. Once a user clicks on that button, they can easily switch to the color color-blind-friendly version.

Please note: The option to change to color-blind mode appears before you start playing the game (before you enter the first word).

5. How do I cancel my Ricotta subscription?

Please email us at cheese@ricotta.team and we will help you.

6. How to Stop Weekly Trivia contests posted every Wednesday?

To stop Weekly Trivia contests from being posted on your selected channel every Wednesday, please email us at cheese@ricotta.team.

7. How to switch off Word of the Day?

  • To switch off Word of The Day, please head over to the Ricotta home page

  • Click on 'Edit Settings'

  • Click on 'Disable Word of The Day'

  • Word of The Day will be disabled on your workspace

8. How do I check my workspace engagement score?

You can see the game-wise engagement scores by logging in to your Ricotta dashboard. To log in, please click here.

9. What is the Workspace Engagement Score?

Workspace Engagement Score measures the frequency of the games played and the number of users who participated in the game or trivia. The higher the Workspace Engagement Score, the more engagement, bonding, and fun at your workplace!

10. How is the Workspace Engagement Score calculated?

The scores are calculated on a point basis. The points increase as the number of games played and participants increase.

For example: If 20 people in your workspace complete a Trivia contest, your score increases by 20 points, since 20 users were engaged. The more Games and Trivia your workspace users play the higher your Workspace Engagement Score.

11. How can you improve your Workspace Engagement Score?

  1. Let your workspace members know about Ricotta Games and Trivia and encourage them to use it

  2. Post Icebreakers and Social Games often on public channels.

  3. Auto-Schedule Trivia and Photo Quiz, several times a week.

  4. Keep posting the Overall Trivia leaderboard on a public channel

  5. Reward winners of Trivia Contests or Social Games with gift vouchers, a free coffee, or a free lunch.

  6. Encourage your team to participate in the weekly trivia contests every Wednesday.

  7. Set a schedule for Word of The Day. For maximum engagement, you can set it to 'daily' at a particular time.

For more FAQs, please check out our FAQs page.

Can't find what you're looking for? Write to us at cheese@ricotta.team and we'll help you out!

Last updated

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