How to play Trivia contest

1. Go to the channel on which you want to post the Trivia contest

2. You will see a message with multiple options

To display this message, simply type @Ricotta Hello and press enter.

3. Click on Trivia

4. Select your category of choice for the Trivia contest

5. Next, set your contest end time

This means for how long your coworkers will be able to submit their answers. Our game format is asynchronous which means everyone can play at their own pace.

6. Click on Create Trivia Contest

7. The trivia contest will be posted on the channel

8. Click on Start Playing

9. Click on chat to start playing

10. Select the correct option out of the four options

11. You will instantly be shown if your answer is correct or wrong

12. Once you finish the quiz, you will be able to see the final score. The Top 3 scores will appear on the real-time leaderboard after the contest ends.

To see the real-time leaderboard, head back to the channel in which the quiz is posted

13. You will see the name of the person with their scores on the leaderboard

Last updated